Hi Everycreature! Unfortunately, these are not the most joyful times (covid, please come back). Due to restrictions, we temporarily stop accepting orders for books. Please give us a few weeks to clarify the situation. Remember - friendship is magic. Take care of yourself and try not to be nervous.
P.S. We have printed a lot of books, including a novelty. When we are able to establish work, we will definitely please you with an announcement!
I cant believe it I was waiting for the Enchanted Kingdom books. What you need is a US printer that would hold the Profits in trust until you could collect them. Please consider letting another printer in the US or Europe print the books.
I wonder if a VPN service could be used to bypass the PayPal block?
Sorry to read that you're being affected. Was about to place another order as well. Take care of yourselves. Hopefully the madness will end soon.
Be safe my friends.
It's alright we all understand, stay safe and take care and remember to have joyous days!