Hi, everycreature! We apologise for the delay: we’ve received LOTS of LOTS of suggestions as to what we should print. We have selected forty four out of them, but even this is a way too much so the decision is to put the most popular into the poll.
For the sake of clarity, we have not yet bothered any of the stories’ authors for permission. We gonna contact them after the vote’s closed and the winner is chosen.
The number of arts is still in question.
Survey link – https://forms.gle/p7Lnap4AcZnjgZpn9
Darn it, I am late, should have nominated A Taste of good Life. Awesome Fanfic, very popular.
Was really hoping for Upheaval by Visiden Visidane. One of the best fanfictions I have ever read.
Arrow 18 for the win!!
Nice selection of stories. :D
Though I hope that the stories Austraeoh and It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door do NOT win. Both are already available as a print on demand on LULU (Store Links: Austraeoh and Dangerous Business).
Also, I would love to have next time the opportunity to vote on more than one fanfiction. Would have been willing to buy multiple of the books from the list. Maybe increase the number of votes from 1 to 5 stories. This Change would probably show even better the opinion which would be best to print.
Starlight over Detrot better win, mate