Hi everypony! I'm incredibly happy to inform you that we have a whole bunch of news concerning our projects!
The work on the anthology about the Royal Sisters, both long and hard, has come to an end. The pictures are drawn, the layout completed and ready to print, so yay! My immense gratitude to our wonderful artists who created twenty colour illustrations and two covers for both books! You can pre-order them (and get a postcard with your favourite princess given the chosen book) here:
Celestia – https://www.ministryofimage.net/product-page/tales-of-the-sun
Luna – https://www.ministryofimage.net/product-page/tales-of-the-moon
The 3rd part of Project Horizons is already in print. As always each chapter is provided with a black and white illustration. (Also, we are working on the 4th and final part!) You can order it here: https://www.ministryofimage.net/product-page/fallout-equestria-project-horizons-part-3
Another good news is that having gained invaluable experience in organizing mass shipments, we've decided to make a try to lower the cost of shipping. Now ordering any book (except Long Road to Friendship and Past Sins) is $10 cheaper. For example, if you want to buy Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes it will be $45 (25 + 20) instead of $55. We hope that everything has been calculated correctly and we will be able to keep it on a permanent basis.
And finally, the most joyful event: our stand was approved for participation at GalaCon 2019, the largest European con taking place in Germany. There you'll be able to buy almost all of our books at a reduced price (without shipping cost)! Please leave feedback on whether you are going to pay our stand a visit at GalaCon. It is very important for us to estimate how many books we need to send to our storage in Germany.
That's it! I wish you a good rest of the spring! Stay tuned and wait for the summer news regarding our next project: Stardust!